Pearl Harbor Legacy
The article "Stories Have Teeth" by Laurel is about the connection the native people of Hawaii had with the ocean and the animals living within it. The article focuses on a shark that was believed to be the protector of Pearl Harbor. The shark, Ka'ahupahau, was a bit of an urban legend in the waters. Children from Pearl Harbor were told that the shark would scare off foreign sharks or kill them, and that that was the reason there were no man-eating sharks in their waters. Ka'ahupahau and the people lived in harmony with an understanding that the shark would keep dangerous sharks out, and the people would respect his water. The article then goes into how the U.S. Military took over the land and waters and caused many different problems. Especially after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1937, the problems only got worse and eventually turned the area into a constant war-zone. Reading this article really opened my eyes to look at Pearl Harbor fro...